
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 11: Maps

Oh man have I been slacking. My life has been crazy, my computer has had trouble..but I'm getting back in the swing of things. I miss pictures too much! So here's my picture of a globe, which is a type of map (:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Turn to the one who holds you together

I was just looking through one of my notebooks and found my notes from when I spoke at youth group in June, and while everything else was outlined, this paragraph was fully written out, because God has spoken it to me, and it reminded me, even though I was the one who wrote it, of how true this is and how if we simply grasp the fact of this, your temporary problems can see so much smaller:

"I can't always give you the right answer or tell you why your parents got divorced, or why your boyfriend or girlfriend left you, or why your mom has cancer, or why your best friend passed away, or why you always feel alone. But whatever it is, God is there. God has a purpose. God doesn't do things just to make us sad or for no reason. But I PROMISE God does everything for the good. We may not see it today or tomorrow or next week or maybe not even next year. But when everything in your life is falling apart, turn to the one who holds you together."


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Brittany and Derek

My computer has been broken, so I started catching up on some editing.
I think these turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself (:

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 10: Beverage-Coffee

In case ya'll (yes, I just said ya'll) didn't know, it's NATIONAL COFFEE DAY!
I have recently discovered a love for coffee, so this day means more to me now than ever.
I know I got this from McDonalds...but it was still pretty delicious.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 9: Colorful

I've been wanting to take pictures of cupcakes like these forevah, so I thought they fit perfectly with the colorful theme (:

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 7: Beverage-Soda...aka Pop

There's not much to say about this haha, except, I don't even really like this kind...